Josua Mata


A world where there is labor dignity is what has kept me going fighting side by side with workers for more than 30 years now. We fight to build an egalitarian society where full human dignity is guaranteed.

Much has yet to be done. Along with many of our public services, our public transport system has long been broken. On a day-to-day basis, workers have to contend with an inefficient, uncomfortable and unsafe transport system. Transport workers themselves, particularly those in the informal economy, have been largely left to fend for themselves. It is high time that we change this. Our commuting workers and the transport workers serving them deserve better treatment. And as we modernize our transport system, we have to ensure that transport workers are guaranteed a just transition.

This is why we are with Move As One Coalition. We firmly believe that its program for an active transport system, service contracting, and overhauling transport infrastructure is long overdue. We call on workers, trade unions, and other labor organizations to join us and help press for a public transport system that we could all be proud of.

Other MAO Advocates

Jedd Ugay

Transport Economist

Benjie Dela Peña

Urban Planner

Golda Hilario

Climate Justice

Toix Cerna


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